Let’s face it.
If you are going to hang around a social media site, you want it to be the best at show-casing leaders and influencers who have made a significant contribution to leadership.
You want to find social media famous leaders you can follow.
Leaders who have achieved personal success. And.
Leaders who are successful in life because they have helped others do the same.
And. Most of all you want to be able to short-cut your educational journey.
My personal success list of the most socially-shared LinkedIn Leaders, is just that. It’s personal.
Some of these leaders have had decades of experience. Others are fairly new to the game.
Some contribute blog posts on an hourly basis. Others less frequently.
Yet. They all have a poignant message. They all have a different perspective. They all experienced that “ah ha” moment when they just knew they could add value to the knowledge-base of increasing the skills of leaders and their organisations.
Simply. They knew they could make a difference in helping to increase the personal success of leaders and their organisations.
All of these leaders have had extensive backgrounds in “real world” businesses that they have been able to extrapolate across various industries. This practical experience has enabled them to increase the personal success of their clients.
Some have been educators.
Some have technical backgrounds.
However, they are all: mentors, coaches, trainers, speakers, authors or bloggers, and influencers who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.
When I talk about being a leader there is a specific definition that I measure them by, Kruse’s definition of leadership. And that is:
“Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximises the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.”
And that is what these leaders have demonstrated: maximising the efforts of their clients towards the achievement of the goal – which is to help organisations be better by increasing their employees’ leadership skills.
With that in mind when you read the individual profiles of each of these leader/influencers, go to their sites, and you can see the devotion they have to the leadership cause.
The qualities of what makes a good leader and what good leadership is, has now been agreed upon by these people.
It is only by connecting with these Leaders and sharing their message that the world can become a better place. A place of information, knowledge and perspective.
A consensus is that Leadership is also about change and growth. These leaders agree that it is about having the right people in the right positions, at the right time, so that an organisation can progress effectively. It is also about helping an organisation move from good to great. (see Jim Collins’ book)
The leaders on this list have dedicated themselves to this task and have proved, that they are, indeed, worth following.
I urge you to do so. Initially by visiting their websites. By engaging in their programs. And. By following them and what they write in their Blogs.
This list is not exhaustive. However, it includes the most highly visible and well-connected, to the new and emerging leader/influencer on LinkedIn.
I do hope you enjoy reading and following these leaders.

Dan Rockwell
Blogger and Coach www.leadershipfreak.blog
Book: The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution…One Person at a Time
About: Dan Rockwell
Rockwell has been on a path of working towards being a more successful leaders by trying to bring out the best in himself, by being of service to others. He has appeared in many prominent lists of top leaders and speakers. Rockwell has built up this reputation by sharing valuable content via social media services, LinkedIn being a major medium. He has developed his own leadership qualities via his careful course of study, his skills at running his own businesses and as a consultant for Penn State University. Rockwell blends this knowledge and experience when he coaches others.
Dan Rockwell is involved in the Lead Change Group- a dedicated group of people committed to instigating a leadership revolution. This is a non-profit organisation developed as a resource for leaders and leadership-in-training. Out of this group two books have materialised. The Lead Change Group is a conglomeration of contributing leadership authors. Due to Rockwell’s passion to make that difference he joined this movement to spread the message about character-based leadership. Part of the objectives of this leadership revolution was to help further the discussion on how to become a character-based leader. Because of Rockwell’s avid use of social media he is able to get his work out there, daily.
About the Blog: Leadership Freak Blog
This Blog commenced in 2010 out of Rockwell’s deep desire to make a
difference in the world. The blog has developed over time as Rockwell’s own leadership skills developed. It has developed into a resource for world-wide consumption. Rockwell’s passion for writing has led to getting the work done and out there.
About the Book: The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution…One Person at a Time
This book is based on the notion that leadership has changed from a set of behaviours to specific, individual, characteristics. It’s about who you are and not about your position, title or power. Primarily the focus is on self-improvement first, before being able to lead change in others. The book is a collection of ideas about character-based leadership from 21 leadership contributors. It is about leading from a position of who you are, and it highlights the importance of having those characteristics. The content is actionable and it has been said that it will change your life.
Favourite articles:
The 7 Seductions of Leadership
The Four Powers of Courageous Leaders
What Remarkable Leaders Do That Average Leaders Don’t

John Ryan
President and CEO of CCL
Books: Adapting to Organisational Change- (There are many books on this site available for all areas of leadership)
About: John Ryan
Ryan is the CEO and President of CCL – Centre for Creative Leadership. This non-profit organisation was founded in 1970 and has maintained longevity by focusing on leadership education and research. The organisation is about cultivating creative leadership. Ryan’s extensive experience in the military and in educational facilities has led to his phenomenal success at CCL. Due to his extensive background in leadership education he has steered this organisation to be listed amongst the world’s top providers of executive education.
About the site: Centre for Creative Leadership
CCL has been conducting research in the field of leadership development for over 50 years. As with most successful organisations these days the mission of CCL is to leverage evidence-based scientific research to accelerate leadership performance. The research is designed around shaping their clients’ best practices whilst at the same time creating new knowledge for the benefit of society world-wide. This research and its’ practical application is about how leaders develop, which has led to the centre being described as one of true thought leadership. CCL’s most recent direction examines leadership as collective social process. It has led to the notion of cultivating holistic, brain-based leadership practices.
Books: There are many books on this site – Adapting to Organisational Change
Change is a constant in today’s workplace, and leaders must learn strategies to deal with change successfully, or otherwise face derailment. To succeed, you must first understand how changes within your organization are affecting you, and then use that understanding to help manage the transition from the old way to the new way of doing things.
Favourite courses:
Leadership Development LDP – The longest-running program of its kind in the world

Simon Sinek
Author and Blogger
Book: Start With Your Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
About: Simon Sinek
Sinek is a prolific writer on social media. He describes himself as an optimist and teaches leaders and organisations on how to inspire people. The basis of his work revolves around knowing your “why”. Sinek hopes to inspire people to do what floats their boat, so that collectively, each person can contribute towards making change for the better, happen in the world. Sinek’s vision is to help change the way businesses think, act and operate. Through his work as an ethnographer, Sinek discovered patterns of behaviour about how the greatest leaders and organisations function and communicate. He has studied the effect of the impact of that enduring legacy on the world. Sinek is most known for his Ted talk on the concept of why.
About the site: Simon Sinek
Succinct and to the point, the following words have been taken from his website as it is best explained, as it was written:
“Imagine a world in which the vast majority of us wake up inspired, feel safe at work and return home fulfilled at the end of the day.
“We commit to finding and building the leaders who will work to make this vision a reality.”
“Let us all choose to be the leaders we wish we had. “
About the Book: Start With Your Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
This book evolved out of a series of questions such as: why are some people and organisations more innovative, more influential and more profitable than others? Why do they have greater employee and customer loyalty? Sinek observed that even though people were successful very few of them were able to repeat that success on an on-going basis. This led to an understanding that there was something behind the buying behaviour of customers. He surmised that success in selling anything will not be achieved until people understand the “why” behind it the organisation, the product. Leaders who have the greatest influence and world-wide impact do the opposite of what others do.
Favourite articles:
The Best an Organization Can Get?

Dr Marla Gottschalk
Blogger and Psychologist
About: Dr Marla Gottschalk
Dr Gottschalk uses her background and training as a psychologist, to advocate for healthy, productive work lives. Marla was invited to be a charter member of the LinkedIn Influencer Program. She explores a variety of work/life topics, including organisational culture and self-management, her focus is on developing a strong foundation, a core stability and what that means for improving work and work/life balance. Dr Gottschalk’s passion and focus with her writing and blogging is to bring work-focused research to a broader audience.
About the site: Marla Gottschalk
The focus is on helping people and organisations build that strong core, that strong foundation. Once people know and understand what people all need from work, they then have the necessary base to improve their work and work life balance. It about adopting a mindset that values core stability. This provides clarity around creating and supporting great careers and helping employees have fulfilling experiences as well as meeting organisational goals. Her knowledge base comes primarily from her study and application as an Industrial and Organisational Psychologist. This site has evolved from her passion of being able to bring work-focused research to that broader audience.
Favourite articles:
It’s No Secret: Here’s Why Organisations Lose Their Best People
Managing Others? You Need To Declare Yourself

Sharlyn Lauby
Author and Blogger
Book: The Recruiter’s Handbook: A Complete Guide for Sourcing, Selecting, and Engaging the Best Talent
About: Sharlyn Lauby
Sharlyn is President of the ITM Group, Inc. This is a training company focused on developing programs which revolve around retention and engagement of employees. She sees the HR department as a partnership. One where it informs its clients, and the employees, and helps them connect to the organisation. During her career Sharlyn has been known as someone who brings business solutions to reality. She also has broad knowledge around topics such as: workplace social media, strategic planning and recruitment.
About the site: H R Bartender
Lauby has developed this site into one of the top 5 blogs read by human resource professionals. She focuses on topics that relate to the workplace in general, not just human resources. The blog is consistently recognised for its practical content and casual tone. Lauby prides herself on being proactive by answering reader questions about anything employee-related. Lauby shares her content several times each week.
About the Book: The Recruiter’s Handbook: A Complete Guide for Sourcing, Selecting, and Engaging the Best Talent
This book is a practical guide, providing a comprehensive, step-by-step approach into the talent acquisition process. It covers topics such as: employer branding, recruitment ethics, the changing legal landscape, social media and succession planning. There are tips and strategies from other recruiting experts which lends value with real-world case studies. Essentially it is a tool-kit to help organisations avoid the pitfalls and shorten the learning curve. It is about being able to develop and implement a recruitment strategy with actionable tips. There are tools and templates to help recruiters be more successful.
Favourite articles:
Human Resources: 6 Unconventional Skills to Develop for Future Professional Success
Building Trust Is a Process, Not an Activity

Brian Tracy
Author and Trainer
Book: Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
About: Brain Tracy
Brain Tracy commenced his phenomenal personal success journey by helping people achieve better sales results. I know because I attended one of his seminars in Sydney about twenty years ago. He has since broadened that perspective and now crosses over at least two more niches: personal growth and leadership, having originally also been involved in all aspects of real estate, investment sales and marketing. His goal is to help people achieve their goals, in a number of areas, faster and easier than you could imagine. Tracy’s company specialises in training and development of both individuals and organisations. He is a prolific writer on many topics and has written over 80 books and has travelled the world delivering his message.
Brian will teach you how to get complete control of your time and your life, increase your income, simplify your work, maximize your special talents and abilities, and achieve financial independence.
About the site: Brian Tracy
Brian teaches people how to get complete control of their time and their life, increase income, simplify work, maximize your special talents and abilities, and achieve financial independence. His primary focus is on the student, the client. His legacy is about you. He wants his followers to grow and become the best versions of themselves possible. Tracy hopes that improvement is passed onto those around you. In effect, you become the beacon for the training you have implemented and acted upon. Tracy sees this as a ripple effect which will be felt for generations, because you never know the real impact one person can have on the world. Due to the fact that Tracy is no longer able to travel extensively as he once did, and cater to huge numbers of people, he has decided to offer an online program (not for newbies) called: “Inner Circle Legacy Mastermind”. Tracy’s total focus is on getting you the help you need to achieve that goal you desire.
About the Book: Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Procrastination is, unfortunately, the modern curse. This book is about helping you get more of the important things done now. We all makes lists; well a lot of people do and they never get through them. A successful person has learnt that the most important thing you can do is to narrow that list down and do what is most important. It is about doing the worst thing first thing in the morning so that it is done and dusted. Make sure it is the one that has the greatest impact on your life. The book tells you how to organise your day effectively. It also helps people maintain focus. At the core is effective time management, decision, discipline and determination. This book is about helping you get your important tasks done, today.
Favourite articles:
7 Leadership Qualities, Attributes & Characteristics Of Good Leaders
9 Success Factors For Personal Growth: Moving Forward To Achieve Your Best Life

Ken Blanchard
Author, Speaker, Consultant
Book: The New One Minute Manager
About: Ken Blanchard
Blanchard is all about the day-to-day of the management of people. He has developed into one of the world’s leading business leaders and is respected for his insightful forays into leadership and management. Through that expertise he has developed an international management training and consulting firm: The Ken Blanchard Companies. Blanchard also teaches students in the Master of Science in Executive Leadership at the University of San Diego. His world-wide influence over the last 35 years has seen other leaders join his school as they too have become specialist leaders in different fields.
About the site: Leader Chat
The group of companies incorporated under The Ken Blanchard Companies commenced in 1979. They commenced with three goals in mind: 1. to make a difference in people’s lives 2. to drive human worth and effectiveness in the workplace, and 3. to help each client organisation become the provider, employer and investment of choice.
LeaderChat has developed into a weekly Blog site helping provide the resources needed for better employee work conditions and increased management skills. It’s about being current with concepts and ideas to help prospective leaders develop their own style. It’s about how topics affect individuals today and the implications for the future.
About the Book: The New One Minute Manager
This new edition expands on the original One Minute Manager, which helped millions of people achieve more successful professional and personal lives. The abundant changes world-wide initiated by the uptake in digital technology and its’ ramifications, have revolutionised the way we live and work. Due to these factors Blanchard revamped this classic to incorporate this new breed of manager, utilising the same techniques that were always proven to work, yet expounding them with a different slant for this modern era. This is a story about a young man looking for an effective manager with the classic principles of management inter-woven throughout.
Favourite articles:
4 Ways To Gain Power And Use It For Good
The Top 5 Characteristics of Servant Leaders

Michael Hyatt
Author and Mentor
Book: Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less
About: Michael Hyatt
Hyatt has come from a publishing background and has developed his company into a world-known leadership entity. He is a bestseller with three books and has been recognised by Inc 5000 for his work. His work encompasses leadership, goals and business development. Hyatt is a leadership mentor.
About the site: Michael Hyatt
Hyatt works with high achievers so they can win at work and succeed at life and lead with confidence. His goal is to create a leadership revolution utilizing innovative resources such as: an on-line magazine, a podcast and his specialty products and courses. Hyatt and his team are about helping leaders get more balance in their lives. It’s about being able to thrive in all areas of your life, not just at work. When you do that it affects everyone around you. Hyatt helps people set priorities in life. He says that it is not about getting more things done. It is about getting the right things done. Tellingly, Hyatt states: “It’s not a magic trick, and I’m certainly no superhero. I’ve simply discovered a way to do more of what matters and less of what doesn’t.”
About the Book: Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less
As a New York Times bestselling author, Hyatt is ever the patriot of getting more balance between life and work areas as this book focuses on productivity. It is not about finding or saving time. This book is about making time work for us. In this book Hyatt reveals proven ways to win at work so that you gain the extra time you need for your personal life. You have to refine your goals and reassess them, in an on-going basis and see what works and what doesn’t. In the end it is about prioritizing and focusing on what is most important. In this way you build momentum for a lifetime of success at work and at home.
Favourite articles:
4 Must-Have Traits in Every Person You Hire
5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing

Lolly Daskal
Author and Coach
Book: The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
About: Lolly Daskal
Daskal is a prolific blogger and author. Her message revolves around leading from within. Daskal is the founder of Lead from Within: a successful leadership firm that offers custom made programs in leadership and organizational development. She has been recognised in prominent media for her work, the latest being praised by Huffington Post with the tile of Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her courses are based on a mix of modern philosophy and science and experience. She continues to break new ground with her insights. Part of what Daskal does is to help executives and leadership teams reach their full potential through cohesive organisational change, strategic planning and process transformation.
About the site: Lolly Daskal
Daskal has built her reputation through her enormous contribution via
the written word on many of the world’ leading publications. This has led to
her elevation as one of the world’s leading executive coaches. Her site is
based on the principles of: Lead From Within. This is the name of her
proprietary leadership program which is engineered to
be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful
difference in their companies, their lives, and the world. Through her years of
exploration and development Daskal’s course has been based on a mix of modern
philosophy, science, and experience over thirty years of coaching. Lolly’s
perspective on leadership continues to break new ground and produce exceptional
results. The prime message of: Lead From Within is about being true to oneself.
It is about knowing your core values and truths and living from that space.
Daskal states that people who lead from within are:
- Leaders who live a life of commitment and fulfillment of their heart’s desires, listening to their inner voice and following their internal compass.
- Leaders who are constantly upskilling, renewing, receiving and reviewing life, and learning from others who have more knowledge.
- Leaders who know what is important to them, are compassionate and courageous, and who believe that everyone has a gift to share.
- Leaders who learn from their mistakes and are humble.
- Leaders who are not in a hurry to reply because they listen.
- Leaders who ask relevant questions and give relevant answers.
- Leaders who acknowledge the truth, admit inadequate knowledge and admit error.
- Leaders who trust and engage in their greatness, and who explore and acknowledge their passion and purpose.
About the Book: The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
This book is based on observation that true leaders rise to their positions because they operate from a specific set of values and traits. However, there comes a time when leaders fail and they do not know how to prevent that or even to stop that from happening. Daskal developed a system of leadership style that she uses to help top executives to utilise their skill set within that profile. It is about knowing your strengths and weaknesses within that profile to your best advantage. With this profiling system leader can dramatically improve their results. Using the combination of psychology and philosophy and observation Daskal’s insights will help leaders rethink everything you think you know about how to become the best leader you can be.
Favourite articles:
What to Do When You Doubt Yourself as a Leader
Learn to Master the Skills You Need to Lead

Skip Pritchard
Author and Blogger
Book: The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future
About: Skip Pritchard
Pritchard is a growth-oriented business leader and who is known for his track record of successfully repositioning companies and dramatically improving results while improving corporate culture. He is a prolific informer of ideas in a number of media. He is also the founder of a global non-profit computer library service and research organisation. The goals of this organisation are: to further access to the world’s information and to reduce library costs. With a career in digital transformations, part of Prtichard’s background includes expanding Ingram Content Group into a profitable global phenomenon. His views on the future of publishing have featured widely in prominent media.
About the site: Skip Pritchard
Great leaders leave clues. Pritchard has had a lifetime of learning about success. Taking this on-board and utilizing and distilling this information to come up with his own specialty. Together with his experience of running companies he has created his own site which is about creating your best future and fulfilling your purpose. This site is about helping people fulfil their life’s potential. It’s about helping people grow.
About the Book: The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future
Having been a life-long learner of what successful people do differently, this book helps the reader identify what is standing between them and their goals. This book takes you on a journey of how a young man overcame his failings and set-backs, and, with the help of a mentor, learned to reinvent his life. There are actionable pearls of wisdom here which will help motivate you towards expanding your horizons beyond those perceived capabilities, and, which will catapult you towards even greater success than you dreamed of.
Favourite articles:
Aim Higher: How Leaders Build and Destroy Trust
How to Compete Like the World’s Most Innovative Leaders

Jesse Lyn Stoner
Author and Coach
Book: Full Steam Ahead : Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life 9co-author with Ken Blanchard)
About: Jesse Lyn Stoner
Stoner is
a bestselling author, former executive and business consultant with over thirty
years’ experience. She is the founder of the Seapoint Center, a place where
they help leaders align their business strategies and organisation culture.
With a background in teaching children with disabilities she used mental
imagery techniques to help the children visualise themselves reading. The improvement
in reading was very noticeable. From those early beginnings Stoner went on to
study the impact of vision in other settings, researching vision and
Stoner has co-authored several books with Ken Blanchard and has branched out to
writing about team excellence and how having a shared vision is the start. From
there she developed the processes and skills to achieve that shared vision.
About the site: Seapoint Centre
Stoner founded the Seapoint Center as a network of leadership experts dedicated to helping up-and-coming leaders create collaborative teams and organisations. From there those teams can help develop communities that will make a powerful and positive impact on the world. At Seapoint their approach is that the client knows what their limitations are but that Seaponit will help them with systems that help clients clarify what they want, what the obstacles are, and how to overcome them, and to take action. The Seapoint vision is to be collaborative, helping people in workplaces bring their wholes selves to their work. Collaboration increases potential for exponential success. Seapoint’s success hinges around their beliefs that better results will be achieved when we involve others.
About the Book: Full Steam Ahead!: Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life
This revised bestseller pioneered the concept of vision as the vital ingredient for truly satisfying long-term success. It is about helping you create and communicate your vision, a vision that will radically transform your work and personal life. The authors ask: when do you need vision? They say that you need vision during times of growth, change or opportunity. The vision sets your course so you know you are on the right path. This is about knowing who you are and where you are going. Knowing these things helps you clarify what meaningful work you desire. After that you will then be able to tap into a productive and creative power, one that we could not possibly have imagined. This is also about creating a vision for your organisation. When you do that is will be full steam ahead, as you move towards your desired outcome. The information unfolds via a story about how two people created a vision for their workplace and their own lives. Underlying a functional vision are three elements: a significant purpose, a picture of the future, and having clear values. They state that by understanding how a vision is created, communicated and lived, you will discover how to make that vision come alive.
Favourite articles:
The Myth of “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”
5 Reasons You Should NOT Set Goals

Michael McKinney
Blogger and Coach
About: Michael McKinney
Quite often there is a trigger that sets off a life-time of learning and that is what happened to Michael McKinney. McKinney also had the advantage of having a father who was also prominent in the leadership field. The two books that heavily influenced him were: the 1976 book by Warren Bennis titled, The Unconscious Conspiracy: Why Leaders Can’t Lead, and the other was a 1968 book by Peter Drucker titled, The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society. His interest was piqued when he learnt that leaders were not leading. They were instigating all kinds of methods to get people to do what was required. This early influencing led to McKinney’s site: Leadership Now. McKinney had an interest in biblical archaeology and this led him to found the CenturyOne Foundation in 1996. It is a non-profit organization that promotes biblical archaeology, historical and biblical research, lectures and publications on subjects pertaining to the time of the first-century C.E./A.D. Interestingly, McKinney is also a Jack Reacher-Lee Child fan.
About the site: Leadership Now
Leadership Now was founded in 1980. It was based on the principles of wanting to change the way people think about leadership. He says that leadership is for everyone. It is not about a position. It is about helping people make a difference in their lives. McKinney states that leaders think differently. They see things differently. Leadership is about making that decision to determine the kind of difference you would like to make. Effective leadership is about cultivating those skills. He says that families and communities can be transformed by good leadership. The aim of his site tis to provide content that encourages the reader to become an active participant in shaping their own future as well as the future of others. It is also about understanding the fundamentals of leadership so that we can deal with the challenges that we face. It is about helping people think differently from the moment to the long-term. The goal of this site is also about creating successful leaders. Those leaders who are prepared to make the choice for change, a change that will impact the world and that their message will be long-lasting. Essentially it is about the choices we make. McKinney’s site has made a difference attracting a world-wide audience.
Favourite articles:
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

Randy Conley
Author Blogger Coach
Book: Trust Works!: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships ( co-authored by Ken Blanchard et al – used by Conley)
About: Randy Conley
As one of Ken Blanchard’s devotees, Conley is the Vice President of Client Services & Trust Practice Leader for The Ken Blanchard Companies. He oversees Blanchard’s client delivery operations and works with organizations around the globe helping them build trust in the workplace. He is also a Trust Practice leader. Trust Across America named him a Top Thought Leader in trustworthy business behavior and he is a founding member of the Alliance of Trustworthy Business Experts. The American Management Association included him in their Leaders to Watch in 2015 list.
About the site: Leading With Trust
This site: Leading with Trust, offers insights on leadership and trust from Randy Conley, Vice President of Client Services & Trust Practice Leader for The Ken Blanchard Group of Companies. His motto is: never trust, always verify. This motto pervades our very society and all of our relationships. Conley states that “this either/or mentality is shaping the way we build trust in relationships. In order for trust to be established, one person has to make the first move to extend trust to the other. It’s risky and there’s no way around it. If there wasn’t risk, there wouldn’t be a need for trust. How can you make the first move to extend trust if you believe you should never trust and always verify? You can’t.”
Trust builds and evolves depending on the situation and the people involved. Trust develops when you apply a set of criteria against each situation. Trust builds when you feel that the person is competent. Trust builds when you feel that the person is believable, acts with integrity and that the person also cares about others. When someone exhibits being dependable and who honours their commitments, they also will attract trust from others. You simply cannot have a relationship with anyone unless there is some degree of trust. Someone has to make the first move.
About the Book: Trust Works!: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships
Conley utilises the resources of New York Times bestselling author and leadership expert Ken Blanchard’s popular TrustWorks! This training program is now available in book form! It shows you how to navigate those delicate areas revolving around relationships and trust. It shows you how to get along with people around you. This is about building skills so that trust is sustained. There is a model to follow that shows you how to address the factors that lead to discord, low morale, miscommunication, poor response and dysfunctional leadership.
Favourite articles:
How to Build and Maintain Trust”
Talent Management Magazine, July 2012
“Trust in Leadership”
Interview with Realizing Leadership Magazine, February 2014

Gino Wickman
Author, Blogger
Book: Get A Grip: An Entrepreneurial Fable . . . Your Journey to Get Real, Get Simple, and Get Results (co-author)
About: Gino Wickman
Gino Wickman is the founder of EOS Worldwide, a leadership team development company based in Livonia, Michigan aimed at the small business and entrepreneurial community. Having come from a background of running his family’s businesses Gino’s real-world experience lead to the development of the Entrepreneurial Operating System. It is a practical method for helping companies achieve greatness by systematisation. Gino’s influence and application has seen this system and tools being used by more than 60,00 companies world-wide. These tools are designed to help leaders run better businesses. Doing this will lead to having greater control, a more functional team and more balance in your personal life. Gino is now devoting his time and energy in helping young visionary entrepreneurs-in-the-making get a jump start in their leadership journey.
About the site: Blog EOS Worldwide
The EOS Model covers the areas of: vision, having measurable data, having documented processes that everyone follows, gaining traction through meetings addressing discipline and accountability, addressing issues arising, and having the right people in the right jobs. These six key components of a business must be managed and strengthened. Gino states that “to the degree you focus on strengthening these six components as leaders and managers, everything will fall into place. That will move your business into the top 5 percent.”
About the Book: Get A Grip: An Entrepreneurial Fable . . . Your Journey to Get Real, Get Simple, and Get Results
Based on a story about the effects of prior decisions and commitments on Swan Services’ profitability and growth, the owners were stuck in a rut. What had worked previously no longer did so. The owners felt they were working harder but not getting the results they expected. Their place of business was no longer fun. This book is about how to take your business to the next level. The Swans were able to resolve their issues by the implementation of the EOS tool. This book will outline how Swan Services leaders learned to develop and commit to a clear vision, establish focus, create discipline, and create a healthier, more cohesive team. This fable encapsulates collective business experiences and stories that will ring true for leaders and help guide them to get their companies back in track.
Favourite articles:
Improving Leadership Meetings – Say it in One Sentence & Make it Hurt

Mike Henry
Author, Blogger etc
Book: The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution…One Person at a Time
About: Mike Henry
Henry’s desire is to elevate people, mobilize
purpose and ignite change. With a background in strategic operations and
information technology he struggled to live an integrated life. He recognised
the kind of leader he wanted to be known as. Henry wanted to be known as a leader,
who lead and served others from character and integrity. His Christian
background enabled this stance. And as a Christian, he hoped to serve his
clients from the perspective of having his faith visible, without being
overbearing. That is who he is and that is what he wanted to shine through.
Part of what Henry is all about is that he launched Follower of One to help other
Christians in the workplace who struggle with the same challenges.
Henry is passionate about writing on topics that attract
his attention. The topics that interest him include: character-based
leadership, change, personal responsibility, making a difference as well as a
host of other topics including religion and faith. Henry’s personal mission is
to elevate purpose and mobilise people towards a better future.
About the site: Lead Change Group
Since 2009, Lead Change is a global, virtual platform showcasing great content, great ideas and encouraging leaders in their professional growth. It is specifically about driving change within organisations. This site welcomes contributors who write on the topics that encourage leadership growth. This site has been a top source of leadership learning since its’ founding. It is a non-profit site dedicated to instigating a leadership revolution. It has since been taken over. However, during the creation a team of authors created two publications through this community: The lead Change Revolution and Character-based Leader. In essence, The Lead Change Group is a community committed to changing leadership one person at a time. It started out as a forum for spreading the message of character-based leadership. From these early beginnings the Lead Change Blog has morphed over the years as the conversation around leaders and leadership changed. Leadership is about moving forward and adapting.
About the Book: The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution…One Person at a Time
This book evolved around the discovery that a revolution
taking place in leadership. Leadership is being transformed from a set of
behaviors to individual characteristics. The authors called this leadership
model character-based leadership; leading from who-you-are, not your position
or power.
Primarily the focus is on
self-improvement first, before being able to lead change in others. The book is
a collection of ideas about character-based leadership from 21 leadership
contributors. It is about leading from a position of who you are, and it
highlights the importance of having those characteristics. The content is
actionable and it has been said that it will change your life. The book is like
being at a leadership conference. The contents will encourage you in your
leadership journey. The authors also help to energise and encourage people to
lead the change in themselves first, before committing to leading change in
others and other communities.
Favourite articles:
What Really Makes You a Leader?
Leaders Need to Play Show and Tell

Dan McCarthy
Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer
Book: The Great Leadership Development and Succession Planning Kit: Part One
About: Dan McCarthy
Dan McCarthy is an expert in leadership and management development. For over 20 years Dan has helped thousands of leaders and aspiring leaders improve their leadership capabilities.
As the owner of Great Leadership, Dan works with organizations and individuals to optimize their leadership capabilities. His expertise includes leadership coaching, succession planning and leadership development consulting, training, speaking, and writing.
Dan was responsible for all aspects of supervisory, management and executive development, including succession planning at Paychex, Inc. Paychex was consistently named as a Fortune Magazine “Great Place to Work” a “Training Magazine top 125” training organization, and a Bersin “High Impact Learning Organization”.
Prior to Paychex, Dan was Director of Leadership Excellence and Culture Development for Digital and Film Imaging Systems at Eastman Kodak Company. He was responsible for talent management for approximately 150 executives worldwide, including succession planning, an executive talent exchange, and executive development programs.
He’s a past member of the SmartBrief on Workforce Advisory Board, the CMED Advisory Board, and was named one of the Top 10 Digital Influencers in Leadership. in Business Administration. Dan resides in the Seacoast region of New England.
About the site: Great Leadership
McCarthy is all about leaders and leadership development. He states that great leaders are not born. There are skills that need to be developed. In order to make sure that the organisation endures, smart managers plan ahead for future gaps, scouting for, and identifying potential leaders, and working with them, to develop their leadership potential. This site is also a collection of articles by writers on leadership that help contribute to the on-going information and education of future leaders. These writers comment on the state of contemporary leadership. McCarthy also writes about what bosses must do to ensure that they do what is right for their organisation, and by developing the talents and skills of their employees.
About the Book: The Great Leadership Development and Succession Planning Kit: Part One
This book is essentially a collection of the
best blog posts from McCarthy’s great Leadership site. He has commented on the
state of leadership in contemporary management for many years. It is about
making sure bosses and employees are aware of what is needed for great
leadership. In this book McCarthy has
gathered these lessons in one volume that is a must-read for anyone who manages
anyone else.
The posts have been edited and organized as a
user-friendly “toolkit”, with easy to follow step-by-step tips, instructions,
templates, and practical advice. It is intended to be used by leadership
development practitioners, HR pros, coaches, consultants, leaders and aspiring
leaders as a “do-it-yourself” resource for leadership development and
succession planning. While many organizations and managers do an adequate job
in succession planning, many fall short when it comes to the development of
their employees. This book is a practical guide with templates for easy access
and use of material. One of the leading books on succession planning available.
Favourite articles:
Taking Chances to Lead Change in the 21st Century: Why It’s Cool Not to Be So Cool
Effective Leadership Begins with a Strong Foundation

John Maxwell
Author, Blogger
Book: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
About: John Maxwell
As a prolific bestselling New York Times writer on leadership, Maxwell has made significant contributions to the fields of leaders and leadership. It started with his passion for wanting to make a difference in the lives of people. Maxwell has been in the game for over fifty years, having learned, as a pastor of a small church, that leadership starts with developing self, first, and connecting with others. Maxwell’s dreams revolved around impacting the world and changing lives, one at a time. He started as a student of personal growth and development. And then branched out to leadership. His idea was that instigating the power to change ourselves individually, connect communities, and be a catalyst to corporations, you could then transform countries around the world. The mission is to help others realize their significance and potential. His best quality is his teaching. He has written more than 100 books that have been translated into fifty languages. Maxwell was named #1 leadership expert in the world by Inc. Magazine in 2014.
About the site: John Maxwell
As one of the world’s most well-known and respected leaders, Maxwell’s company, The John Maxwell Company compels corporate leaders and consumers to inspire, challenge, and equip organizations to live out leadership and reach their potential. He has developed other companies for other goals. This particular company distributes Maxwell’s resources, develops customized curriculum for businesses of all sizes, and impacts industries locally, nationally and globally. It is about helping leaders lead with excellence. Maxwell’s programs are also suitable for individuals as well as companies. He has also started a nonprofit company called: Equip, whereby that organization trains and mobilizes Christian leaders to impact families, organizations, communities and nations around the world. Through this team’s work they have established six million leaders in 196 countries and seen hundreds of thousands of lives changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal is for one million people to come to Christ and experience transformation. Maxwell’s other nonprofit – The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, facilitates transformation in countries around the world through values and intentional living programs within each country’s streams of influence, including; government, education, business, churches, arts, media, and family. Part of the Maxwell promise is that they want to “live out” the principles Maxwell teaches. Here is their Rule of 5 that they seek to practice every day at The John Maxwell Company:
- Lead – We lead ourselves and our business to fulfil our purpose.
- Grow – We grow ourselves and our business to achieve our potential.
- Create – We create world-class leadership resources and experiences.
- Excel – We chase excellence in all we do.
- Serve – We serve our clients, colleagues and community.
About the Book: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
Leadershift is about teaching readers how to shift their leadership to keep improving, growing and influencing others. Rapid change influences this constant improvement. Leaders need to be able to adapt or they will not survive. In essence, leaders need to know how to shift. In this book, Maxwell helps leaders gain the ability and willingness to make leadership changes that will positively enhance their organizational and personal growth. He does this by sharing the eleven shifts he made over the course of his long and successful leadership career. Each shift changed his trajectory and set him up for new and exciting achievements, ultimately strengthening and sustaining his leadership abilities, and making him the admired leadership expert he is today.
Favourite articles:
4 Assumptions That Limit Your Leadership Potential
Three Steps to Increase Your Capacity for Action

Jon Mertz
Author, Blogger
About: Jon Metz
Early on Metz was interested in politics. This led to a long career in government, large corporations and entrepreneurial companies. These early experiences shaped his leadership style to that of being collaborative. Metz is still on his leadership learning journey, learning about how current events and trends apply to business leadership. Metz’s goal is to cogitate and create new frameworks and models, assisting business leaders to navigate the juncture of business, and its role in society. This approach is complemented by Metz’s reputation for empathy and working well with others for mutual wins. “At the intersection of business and politics lies an opportunity for the voice of leaders to
pave the way for positive societal impact.” It has been observed that leaders who struggle with hesitation or myopic action, has caused many leaders to stray. Metz was motivated by this observation to found Activate World, a community that provides substance, depth of thought and a non-ideological perspective to teach business activism to leaders. Underpinning these initiatives is a genuine desire to bolster businesses’ positive effect on society, as well to help them become better citizens.
About the site: Thin Difference
This site has grown to become what it is today – a forum dedicated to empowering all generations with an eye towards strengthening future leaders – Millennials and Gen Z – to be better corporate and community citizens, solve problems actively, create richer lives, and discover common ground in the most challenging situations. Based on the combined political and leadership backgrounds, Metz developed his site with these ideals that inspired him. And these are:
- Generations are stronger when sharing experiences and learning from each other
- Common ground can be found between generations, between functional areas, between partners, and between individuals
- Common ground is discovered when we hold civil conversations, focus on a greater purpose, and honor our diversity
- Leadership is about setting the right example and bringing out the best in ourselves and in others
Metz is dedicated to digging deep into obstinate social and political problems to unearth actionable ideas for leaders who want to be on the forefront of business leader activism. By leveraging multiple platforms, Metz and his team facilitate solutions in alignment with their organizational culture, according to their mission and values. Most of his work revolves around helping Millennials and Generation Z up-and-coming leaders.
Favourite articles:
Do you have executive presence?
How to be an Education-first Leader and Why it Matters

George Couros
Author, Blogger etc
Book: The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity
About: George Couros
Couros is a leading educator in the area of innovative leadership, teaching, and learning. He has worked with all levels of school, from K-12 as a teacher, technology facilitator and as a school and district administrator. Couros speaks on the topic of innovative student learning and engagement and has worked with schools and organizations around the globe. He has had over seventeen years as an educator. Although George is a leader in the area of innovation, his focus is always the development of leadership and people and what is best for learners. His belief that meaningful change happens when you first connect to people’s hearts is modelled in his writing and speaking. His passion is about “distributed leadership” within his division, and he believes that creating a collaborative environment with all stakeholders, will help to ensure that they meet the best needs of all children. Couros has many interests. He believes that “the more well- rounded we are as educators, the more our students will see us as real people that they can connect with in the classroom.” Couros believes that he is only a part of the learning process, and by working hard, he will be able to give everyone the opportunities to become leaders in their own school community.
About the site: The Principle of Change
Change can be hard and sometimes seemingly insurmountable, but, if we believe that change is an opportunity to do something amazing, it shapes our thinking to not only survive, but thrive in our world today. He believes that educators need to get into a mindset that we ask questions to move forward, and embrace these changes in front of us. Part of his motto is by learning from observation what doesn’t work for students. One of the blessings of Couros’ work is that he works with so many different schools and districts that he can garner so many great ideas from their learning and leadership. Couros’ favourite saying is: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” (Bill Gates). Listening to these students share their struggles sets the tone for the day, for all of the adults to centre their work. Too often, students are asked where “school worked great for them.” Couros believes that we have to learn from “where we have let our students down.” Courso learned from his education forays that relationships are everything, yet the value of these relationship lessened as students grew older.
About the Book: The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity
In this book, Couros puts the responsibility of helping further students’ curiosity, on the shoulders of educators, and how they respond to a student’s exploration of this natural curiosity. Unfortunately, the traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick to the scheduled curriculum. But the job of educators is to provide new and better opportunities for our students. It’s time to recognize that compliance doesn’t foster innovation, encourage critical thinking, or inspire creativity—and those are the skills our students need to succeed. In this book, Couros encourages teachers and administrators to empower their learners to wonder, to explore—and to become forward-thinking leaders. If we want innovative students, we need innovative educators. In other words, innovation begins with you. Ultimately, innovation is not about a skill set but about mindset.
Favourite articles:
Defining a Personal Path to Success

Mike Figliuolo
Blogger and Speaker
Book: Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results(co-author)
About: Mike Figliuolo
Figliuolo has had a varied background commencing in the military and serving in the army after graduation. After that and before founding his own company, he was an assistant professor at Duke University, a consultant at McKinsey & Co., and an executive at Capital One and Scotts Miracle-Gro. Mike Figliuolo is the founder and managing director of ThoughtLEADERS, LLC, a professional services firm specializing in leadership development, and a nationally-recognized speaker and blogger on the topic of leadership. Figliuolo is a prolific blogger on leadership, strategy, communications, innovation, and other critical business skills. His work has been featured on Inc.com, Forbes.com, SmartBrief, The Huffington Post, and many other well-recognized media outlets.
About the site: Thought Leaders
Clients of Thought Leadership say that this site has always been positive due to the fact that the teachings have always been based on real world observations and experiences. These lessons are always relevant and immediately applicable. The trainings offered are job-related and focused on the skills you most desperately need to learn. The aim is to learn by doing. And. The best way to learn is from those who have already successfully applied the concepts they teach. Learning needs to have actionable steps and be fun as well.
About the Book: Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results
This book is about giving leaders a way to get the best out of their teams by focusing their energy where it will make the biggest difference. Every employee is different, but unfortunately many leaders use a one-size-fits-all approach to leading. In doing so, these otherwise well-intentioned leaders are working harder than they should while not getting all they could out of their teams. This book teaches you how to: figure out where team time is spent; help them identify the unique leadership needs to each team member; and helps team members make smarter decisions about how and where to invest their time to get the best results out of everyone. Through simple frameworks brought to life with stories from the trenches, leaders will be able to see their own teams—and themselves—from a new perspective. Paradoxically these methods will enable leaders to improve their team’s performance exponentially while expending half the effort.
Favourite articles:
The Ten Stories Great Leaders Tell
How to Improve Your Workplace for Female Leaders

Ken Taylor
Author and Educator
Book: What Makes a Great Training Organization?: A Handbook of Best Practices ( co-author)
About: Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor was appointed President of Training Industry in 2015. Training Industry is the global leader in market intelligence for corporate training and development. Taylor has had experience across a variety of industries and focus areas such as: operations, technology, sales, marketing and finance. He has a deep understanding of corporate learning and development. Taylor is committed to building a great team and has increased monthly visitors to the site, and subscribers to the magazine. Taylor is committed to expansion and growth in this sector. Taylor is also the editor in chief for Training Industry Magazine.
About the site: Training Industry
When you want to learn about the business of learning then you go to them most trusted source of information. Training Industry is a market intelligence firm for corporate learning and development. Their focus is on helping business and training professionals obtain the information, insight and tools needed to more effectively manage the business of learning. This business supports both their clients and their audience through these assets: TrainingIndustry.com, Training Industry Magazine, Training Industry Creative Solutions and our corporate learning and development research.
About the Book: What Makes a Great Training Organization? A Handbook of Best Practices
This book is about training organisations. Every leader wants their corporation to be “great”. But. How do they achieve that, if not through a respected training organisation? This book highlights the factors that led this training organisation to being considered to be great. This book presents findings that are based on the data, information, and experiences shared with Training Industry, Inc. by several hundred learning professionals, over a five-year span, from 2008 to 2012. It identified 8 process capabilities, which have been identified as the key functions in the design, delivery and management of corporate workforce training. Individual practices are explained further, noting specific procedures or scenarios and how they are best executed, all supported by best practices, and comments from learning leaders.
Favourite articles:
Training Leaders for Success: The Mind of the Leader
The Impact of a Leader’s Mindset on Performance Feedback
Loyal Employees Are Your Most Valuable Asset: The Keys To Capturing Sustainable Employee Engagement

Shawn Murphy
Author and Blogger
Book: The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone
About: Shawn Murphy
Each leader sets out to have a point of difference that steers their focus for their writings, their corporation and their courses. Shawn Murphy’s point of difference is that he is CEO and founder of Switch & Shift, an organization dedicated to the advancement of human-centered organizational practices and leadership. Murphy likes teaching and speaking, alongside clients’ consulting, He is passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves, and helping organizations create positive work environments to facilitate achieving it’s goals. Murphy was listed as one of the top leadership speakers by Inc.com. He has also been recognised by Huffington Post as one of the top leadership bloggers. He has a weekly article on Inc.com, called, Positive Business.
About the site: WorqIQ
This site is about improving workplace intelligence. This means the focus is on the human side of business. It is about business making a real difference through these five areas: culture and workplace climate change; transformational leadership; employee engagement; purpose-driven performance; making workplaces more optimistic; social intelligence and community building. This organisation is about placing the leadership team and key employees right where they should be. They are constantly focusing on providing answers to this question: what does it take to create a great workplace? In this way they hope to achieve the break-throughs to help make that shift. This organisation has over 30 years of experience helping organisations create real change.
About the Book: The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone
This book is dedicated to finding the solution to making organisations a great placed to work. However, examination indicates that most workplaces are stressful places that have low employee engagement, decreased productivity, and are far too competitive internally to succeed. This book suggests that an optimistic workplace is the best place for creating the ideal. Advocating a steward model of management, this eye-opening book reveals how to: explore personal and organizational purpose and align them for astonishing results; overcome resistance and scepticism from corporate managers pressing for results; build camaraderie and deepen loyalty among team members… and a whole lot more. It highlights examples from companies large and small that demonstrate how this people-centric focus has already ignited employee potential, increased innovation, and catapulted many organizations to new levels of performance. It is also about aligning personal purpose with professional success.
Favourite articles:
Open to Think: How We Can Unleash Pure Thinking Power
5 Overlooked Ways to Purposefully Create Workplace Optimism

Christina Lattimer
People Observer & Blogger
About: Christina Lattimer
Lattimer is dedicated to helping leaders develop self-mastery; and helping them to become confident in their own inner guidance. She collaborates with leadership experts, managers and HR professionals to help them get their own message and unique services and products to a wide audience. Lattimer’s focus commenced when she deliberately set out to understand “how people tick.” She prides herself on being an observer of behaviour and having managed people. This led to her passion for experiment.
About the site: People Development Network
The Network has developed out of the connections made via the Magazine. This network is an online networking group which helps bring together those interested in these types of topics: leadership, human resources, and the management of people. This Network is both a monthly publication for original and guest articles, as well as an on-going blog. It also caters for featured blogs from authors and experts.
Favourite articles:
10 Characteristics of a Change Champion

Art Petty
Author and Blogger
Book: Leadership Caffeine-Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development
About: Art Petty
Petty has been a coach, speaker and workshop presenter helping professionals and organisations learn to not only survive, but thrive. This focus is predicated on the importance of constant change in the business world environment. He is also a strategy advisor. As an educator, Petty’s books have been used in these courses. The essence of his work revolves around improving communication at every level.
As a former senior software and technology executive who has built market and segment-leading businesses, Petty understands the importance of proactively supporting the development of the emerging leaders in your firm. Petty’s aim is for: improved engagement, increased retention, and importantly, increased innovation leading to new growth and strengthened profits. He is also about strengthening the leadership culture by focusing on emerging leaders.
About the site: Art Petty
This site is about helping executives turbocharge their emerging leader development. He works with firms with a significant commitment to investing in and sustaining emerging leader growth and development. Petty’s coaching, workshop and online learning and development programs connect to the organisation’s strategy, vision, and values. They help support the development and strengthening of behaviours necessary to successfully lead change, innovation and adaption in our world of change.
About the Book: Leadership Caffeine-Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development
This book is a collection of idea-prompting and action inspiring essays. This book highlights the work and feedback from Petty’s extensive background in: management excellence, blogging, being an author, and educator and an executive leadership developer. The ideas and topics range from: surviving the tough days to dealing with power and politics, building high performance teams, strengthening decision-making skills and pursuing greatness as a leader. He states that there is no magic pill involved here. You have to read and apply the ideas and lessons in one essay every week, and you will be a very different leader and professional in one year. This book is an ideal desk reference and idea-generating tool for motivated professionals everywhere. It’s also a great collection for use by teams, management book clubs, and in classrooms, as a complement to Art’s first book, Practical Lessons in Leadership.
Favourite articles:
Stepping In to Lead a New Group? Try This Process to Grow Trust and Gain Performance
Leading and Succeeding in the Gray-Zone
How you can shortcut your personal success in life?
From the list of my Top 24 Leaders and Influencers, did you find something of interest? Something of value? An idea? A book or an article?
Perhaps you decided to follow one of these influential leaders.
I find reading can inspire you with new ideas.
Ideas can activate the impetus to move forward.
Adding some or all of these leaders to your short list of people to follow may save you the time you need to spend finding great material.
When trying to move forward in your chosen area of study, any shortcuts to achieving personal success in life is the way to go.
I would love to know which experts and their work, you enjoyed most.
Do leave a comment below and let me know.
To your own personal success in life.
About the Author: Celine Healy is a speaker, writer, blogger, and a trainer on topics such as: stress, wellness, leadership and corporate well-being. Celine is also passionate about mental and physical health. Celine approaches these topics from a scientific point of view. “If you can’t measure something, you will never understand it.” Discover what leadership qualities you need and how to assess them by utilising the information in The Ultimate Guide to Improving Leadership Qualities Through Empowerment ( in 2019) Connect with Celine on FB, T and LI. Visit Celine’s website: http://leadershipandcorporatewellness.com.au