Affiliate Disclosure
Our mission at Celine Healy Group of Companies and websites , is to help you become healthier, happier and more productive. (These sites include:;; and
A part of this process involves learning from the best resources out there, and I believe it’s a part of my job to make it easier for you to find them.
And that’s where affiliate links come into play.
Affiliate Links
Sometimes when I recommend a product (for example a book, a notebook or an app) I will link to it using an affiliate link. If you end up buying the product through that link, we’ll earn a small commission from the vendor at no additional cost to you.
It’s a win-win-win scenario:
You win by learning about an excellent product. If you decide to buy it, the creator wins by gaining a new customer, and Celine Healy and her group of Companies wins by receiving a “thank you” commission for connecting the two of you together.
There’s one more thing to add, though.
I only recommend products that I know, love, use and fully believe in, or that were highly recommended to me by my trusted peers. (For example, I totally love the Programs and Products of HeartMath that we don’t use anything else, but that doesn’t mean that a different amazing system wouldn’t be worth recommending).
To make it simple, assume that all of the links on my websites are affiliate links. I want to focus on delivering high-quality information, instead of throwing tedious disclaimers at you.
Sounds fair?
ps. Amazon requires us to tell you their specific (and possibly magic?) formula, so here it is: “as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases”. (At this stage Celine does not have any Amazon links but will do so I the future.)
FTC Disclosure
But wait, it gets better.
As of the 1st of December 2009, FTC requires bloggers to disclose any hidden or unspoken biases related to product recommendations.
What does this mean? I took the liberty to copy the following from Tim Ferris:
Per the FTC rules, if we interview someone and they grab the bill for lunch, we would need to disclose this. Same if we use an Amazon link that gets us 8 cents instead of an Amazon link that gets us 0 cents. If someone gives us a comfy t-shirt with a logo and we wear it in a photo, same deal. Disclaimers all over the place. This would be tedious for us and even more tedious for readers.
But rules are rules.
To cover our ass and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every link and product we use, the FTDC Rules have been complied with.
Thanks for understanding.
Celine Healy
CEO Celine Healy Group of Companies