About Celine

Hello! I’m Celine Healy.

I’d like to share a bit about my story so you get to know a little about me and what prompted me to move into the area of helping people resolve stress.

On the verge of burnout, in a job that I was not suited to, that my skill set was incompatible with, not game to put up my hand to say that I wasn’t coping, for fear of ridicule and being called a failure, and more importantly, feeling a failure, I caused enormous damage to my health and wellbeing because I felt an obligation to my employer to do the right thing. Never mind about the potential and possibly permanent detriment to my health.

Sometimes in people’s lives a guardian angel arrives and taps you on the shoulder, either at a tipping point, or at exactly the right time. At a retreat a chap tapped me on the shoulder and said to me: ‘Whatever you are doing, it can’t possibly be worth it.’ In essence, he gave me the permission I could not give myself to change what I was doing.

Hence, my greatest pain became my greatest passion: to find out as much as I could about how to resolve stress and let others know, and to heal myself of burnout that I had sent myself into.

Then I developed my model of wellness, The Stress to Success Model (you can click here to download this on the FREE Resources Page


I found what I was looking for that was the cause real of stress behaviour and why people kept repeating the same things over and over.

I discovered the two issues behind stress which need to be addressed so that you can repair your patterns and behaviour are:

      1. How you respond to stress and

      1. And what issues were underlying a person’s repetitive stress response habits.

    Why do they continue to do what they do when logically they know it will not give a different result?

    I discovered everything affects the physical body/mind and the best way forward was to repair that body/mind. At the same time, we needed to increase a person’s energy.

    With the tools and technology, we retrain a person’s baseline resilience to stress, so they then come from a more positive default position. So, when the worker comes across a stressful event in the future, the person will have built up their resilience muscle and be able to bounce back more quickly and easily and effortlessly.

    Training involves heading off stresses experienced by the workforce and retrain for more effective ways how to respond to stress, before they manifest into long-term, severe, mental health issues.

    It’s nice to meet you.

    I look forward to being of service to you.

    Best regards

    CEO Celine Healy Consulting
    +61 408 646 887

    Wellness and Stress Resolution Specialist
    CEO, Writer, Blogger, Speaker, Trainer in Corporate Wellness
    Solutions, Counsellor, Coach and Healer.
    B. Bus. M Com, P Grad- Education, P Grad – Counselling,
    Workplace and Business Coaching, HeartMath Coach, MBIT Coach,
    PsychK, PSH, Success, Manifestation Techniques, Forensic
    Healing, Kinergetics, Kinesiology, Reiki, Energy Healing

    My Vision, is for a stress-free planet, with people living very productive and happy lives, being back in control, having increased energy and increased resilience to stress.

    My Mission is to help 10 million + people RESOLVE STRESS in their lives, utilising simple and very effective life-time tools and techniques that lead to permanent results. It is about self-regulation. Putting back control of their health and their destiny in their own hands.