Resilience Training

Resilience Training for Improved Employee Mental Health

These Resilience Training Courses are designed for Leaders and Employees

Our first task, as we work with organisations and leaders, is to help management and staff move out of fearful positions to being more conscious, aware, less stressed, and to be in more control of how they respond to stressor triggers and stressful events, whether personal or business-related.
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a person cannot contribute meaningfully if they are living in fear, whether perceived or actual. In order to be able to contribute more meaningfully as individuals to their own personal lives and to the organisations generally, employees need to feel valued and supported, and have a sense of inner peace and acceptance of self.

At Celine Healy Consulting, we work with organisations, leaders and staff, to help develop their inner strength, their engagement, their resilience, their mindfulness, their emotional intelligence, their communication skills, their decision-making skills, acceptance of their innate skills talents and abilities… which translates to greatly enhanced overall confidence.

The Resilience Training designed by Celine Healy Consulting is based on the scientific studies, evidence, and years of research. (See here for Scientific evidence.)

The beauty of the Resilience Training offered by Celine Healy Consulting is that there is no guess-work about whether or not these programs are working.
The programs are built around these three pillars:
– Measure
– Monitor and then
– Change/Adapt to Improve.

So, basically, what this means is that a measurement is taken, both objectively and subjectively, for each participant, of their starting position in relation to how stressed they are. How stressed a person is, indicates the level of conscious awareness they are able to bring to the table. The weekly sessions help them easily move out of that stressed state to a more positive and enlightened awareness, and then this is where more meaningful input can be inserted into the training.

Our Resilience Training Courses Results are a Combination of:

* increased wellbeing
* reduced mental health issues
* increased energy
* increased focus and clarity of mind
* increased confidence
…. and a whole host of other individual benefits which each participant will measure for themselves.

Our approach

At Celine Healy Consulting, is that we work with organisations and leaders to help develop their engagement, resilience, mindfulness and emotional intelligence. 

Our programs generally include:

6 Week Programs designed around achieving the objectives outlined in the results, above. The organisation has the opportunity to add individual focus on some modules e.g. focusing on depression or anxiety or signs of domestic abuse or other such topics. These will be incorporated as requested.

Celine personally monitors and assesses individual weekly tasks in order to help each individual adapt, or change what they are doing, in order to get the best results possible.

These Programs come with hardware and assessment booklets (which each organisation purchases), so that we can measure, monitor and then adapt as appropriate.

As Bonus, Celine offers Week 7 for FREE to the organisation, as a guide to future options for individuals or the organisation. This is a Wellbeing Session focusing on what people can do next in order to continue with the health and mental health benefits already gained. 

We create tailored, flexible programs to help you and your team develop in the following areas: 

All Programs focus on: 

Increasing Confidence
Improving Mental Health (Decreasing Depression and Anxiety)

Building acceptance and a strengths-based culture at work
Wellbeing programs 
Emotional intelligence at work
Reducing Stress
Improving Communication Skills
Improving Decision-Making Skills

These skills can be improved when these other things are activated:
– improving self-awareness
– tuning into others better
– understanding and regulating emotions
– developing empathy
– developing resilience
– improving communication
– reducing stress so individuals can be more present

In-House Workshops and Online Content

Preferably, Celine prefers to work face to face in workshops, because she is then best able to give personal attention to individuals. During the first week Celine aims to meet each participant personally to assess individual goals, as separate from organisational goals. Each course involved: hardware, workbooks, online content, videos, and other resources as needed.

At the basis of all of our work is this hypothesis:

If you can change how you react to stress then you will be able to gain more control over how you respond, and thus have more emotional control over every aspect of your life.

By understanding this approach, we can learn to make decisions based upon fact, rather than out of fear, and hence guard against the dangers of irrational emotional responses that can lead to supressed emotional expression, and increased mental health issues.

In essence, resilience training, is, of necessity, about being more resilient to stressor triggers or stressful events. Our response to these governs our lives via how we interpret these events. Resilience teaches you to delay your response as you strengthen your emotional intelligence.

We can truly begin to listen to our intuition through awareness of our biases and develop resilience to life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Our Course Content revolves around:
overcoming stress, teaching you the background scientific application, addressing emotional issues, increasing emotional strength, building resilience, reducing depression and anxiety, as well as a whole host more.

The Benefits of Resilience Training for Organisations

  • Becoming more present and focused -Increased self-awareness
    and personal empowerment
  • Individuals set and achieve small goals for themselves and the organisation: Employees learn to self-manage their physical, psychological and emotional health through the reduction in
    stress responses
  • Through greater presence and more control organisations
    will notice: Reduced absenteeism and increased workplace engagement
  • When employees are less stressed the organisation will notice: Enhanced productivity through increased vitality, motivation
    and concentration skills
  • Through greater acceptance of where an individual is at the organisation will notice: Team building through interactive,
    group-based learning, challenge and change
  • Individual stress reduction leads to: Minimisation of risks
    associated with work-related stress

Resilience Training will assist Leaders and Management:

  • Be more empathic and hence be better manage difficult people and situations
  • Understand and be able to impart and improve the ability to give and receive empowering negative feedback
  • Management and Team Leaders will be better able to handle the inevitable ups and downs in any workplace
  • Be better able to recognise, use and celebrate their teammates strengths and their own
  • Through this resilience training individuals will be better able to keep their minds on the job and perform well under pressure
  • Be better able to prioritise and manage competing demands and information overload
  • Be better able to leave work at work

Your next steps

To find out how we can tailor resilience programs for your organisation contact Celine Healy via the Contact Page. We look forward hearing from you soon on how we can best help you and your organisation improve the quality of your employees’ mental health.

0408 646 887